The P- Series coagulants are blends of inorganic and organic coagulants, to be used for the clarification of river water and waste water treatments. The are highly cationically charge.

Feature of using the P-Series are :

–       easy of handling

–       lower use of coagulant, compared using only inorganic coagulants.

–       lowering of total cost for coagulation .

–       the precipitate produced are more dense, meaning a lower volume of sludge and thus lowering the cost for transportation of the discarded sludge.

Produk specification :

Colour   :  colourless

pH ( 2% solution )     : 3.1 – 3,5

Density at 27,50C     : 1,3 ± 0,05

Highly cationically charge

Dosage :

Depends on the extent of the impurities in the water to be treated. A dilution to a 5% solution prior to dosing is preferable.

Hazard :

No special precautions are to be taken in the handling of the material