Normal speed quenching oils for hardening high alloyed steels.
High-speed, low-viscosity quenching oils normally used in open quench tanks for hardening of fasteners, springs, die-forged parts, bar and sections.
This product range has been specifically designed for sealed integral quench furnaces and is particularly useful for quenching from continuous belt furnaces.
Hot quenching oils with outstanding oxidation resistance. Used widely for hardening of automotive transmission components, large gears and many other parts which are susceptible to distortion.
Our vacuum quench oils have been developed in collaboration with manufacturers of vacuum furnace equipment to ensure that they deliver suitable vacuum conditions and spotlessly clean parts. All of our vacuum quench oils exhibit an extremely high degree of purity, have low gas absorption capacity and rapid degassing capability.
Produk Aquatensid sangat serbaguna, ideal untuk quenching tank pada komponen yang sensitif terhadap retak.